Bower Place is a registered NDIS provider for the following categories:
0132 Support coordination
0116 Innovative community participation
0128 Therapeutic supports
0106 Assist-Life Stage, Transition
0118 Early intervention supports for early childhood
0117 Development-Life Skills
Our values around NDIS
Our approach addresses the relationship between difference and inequality, and our principles align with the purpose of the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
The Bower Place philosophy is consistent with the goals of the National Disability Strategy:
- People with disability have the same right of access to services as all Australians
- We aim to maximize the potential and participation of all our clients with disability
To be a transparent service provider, we are clear and transparent about our funding and delivery roles and responsibilities. We work with clients and other stakeholders, with integrated planning and coordinated supports, referrals and transitions promoted and supported.
Bower Place has strong social justice principles. We believe in fair and reasonable management, to minimise the inequality that clients may experience, including issues and challenges related to disability, culture, religion, values and beliefs.
We’re committed to alleviating injustice and inequality, embracing diversity and creating a safe environment for all.
How we support NDIS clients
At Bower Place we understand the importance of a client’s independence in making informed decisions and choices.
We ensure our clients are fully informed of therapeutic and support options. We explain this information in multiple ways, directly tailored to client needs to ensure they are accessible.
We work with clients of all ages and needs, including:
- Mental health
- Autism
- Intellectual disability
- Acquired brain injury
- Physical disability
- Sensory disability.
We ensure our clients participate in the therapeutic process, Psychosocial Recovery Coaching, and Support Coordination to the best of their ability. Each person is actively involved in all decision making and service delivery processes.