Please Note: Only COVID-19 vaccinated adults and children over 5 can attend the Clinic.

Child and Adolescent School difficulties

School can be a challenging place for children. They have to achieve academic competence, adapt to the authority of teachers, learn to co-operate to and form relationships with children their age.

Any child may find school a difficult and distressing place. Signs your child may need help with problems at school include:

  • Reluctant to attend
  • Unwilling to get ready for school
  • Expressing distress with tantrums
  • Exhibiting behaviour problems at school
  • Refusing to go to school.

How we can help

Understanding the basis of the child’s reluctance is crucial, and at Bower Place we undertake a thorough assessment process. We explore the presence of individual issues including:

  • Learning difficulties
  • Social and relationship difficulties at school
  • Home-based difficulties.

Sometimes a child is not unhappy at school but frightened of leaving home, due to separation anxiety or fears for the safety of a family member when they are away.

Once the basis of the problem has been identified, we ensure all the key adults in the child’s life at home and school can co-operate to rapidly find a solution that clearly identifies the responsibility of each person, including the child.

Contact us to book an appointment for help with your child or adolescent’s school difficulties.

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