Please Note: Only COVID-19 vaccinated adults and children over 5 can attend the Clinic.


Humans appear to be designed to be addicted but some addictions are more destructive than others. These include

  • Drugs
  • Alcohol
  • Sex
  • Technology

Addictions can threaten relationships, livelihood, and health and involve endless repeating action, feeling and thought that takes up residence in daily life and can steal the future.

How we can help

At Bower Place, we understand that each addiction is different. Focused conversations with our clients allows for understanding of each person’s relationship to the addiction and how it benefits them and impacts relationships and the motivation to cease.

Our approach understands that addiction is both an internal neurobiological issue and an external socio-relational matter. It involves supporting the person to bring the secret internal world to the outside with the use of structured processes and activities. This is done collaboratively and with close involvement by the practitioner.

1000 Days is a unique programme developed at Bower Place more than 10 years ago to address a range of addictions. Structured and individualised, 1000 Days provides maximum support for individuals and families while helping clients with addictions take responsibility for change.

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