Please Note: Only COVID-19 vaccinated adults and children over 5 can attend the Clinic.

Intellectual Disability Support

Our approach to treating clients with intellectual disability is informed by our work with people with intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder, acquired brain injury and major mental health.

We acknowledge that clients working memory, processing speed, abstract reasoning, receptive language (and often expressive language and literacy) tend to be substantially different to the practitioner treating them.

How we can help

At Bower Place, all service delivery is shaped to suit the client rather than the practitioner. We shape service delivery and therapeutic practice so our clients can remember and process that information.

bower(method) and bower(note) is premised upon the fact that if the client can’t remember or process that information then that information will not make a difference – and our central task is to make a difference in the lives of the people we see.

In short, differentials labelled as disability are central to every single thing we do at Bower Place – they are in the protocols that apply to every micro-detail of service delivery and therapeutic practice.

Contact us to book an appointment for help with adult intellectual disabilities.

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