Shaley Wood

Support Coordinator

Shaley has 5 years of experience within the community service sector. Working as an educator at a community centre providing OSHC services to three surrounding schools, providing care and educational programs, and working in a busy community hospital led Shaley into studying Certificate III in Community Service and Certificate IV in Youth Work. During her studies, Shaley was selected by TAFE SA lecturers for the 2022 Opportunity Award in Community service for her outstanding achievement in both courses.

Prior to community service work, Shaley had over 15 years of experience in the animal care industry. One of her roles was as a reptile wrangler and she has qualifications in venomous snake removal, animal care and agriculture. Shaley has particular interest in the positive psychological impact animals have on people such as therapy animals and pet ownership.

Shaley has experience working with children and young people with complex needs and developmental disorders (autism spectrum disorder, learning disorders and ADHD).

With a passion for working with individuals with disabilities, Shaley enjoys empowering people to reach their goals and pursue their interests.